Sunday, April 15, 2018

Title: “Interview Request”
Body: “Hi! My name is Chris—I’m the founder and Editor of Would your CEO, XXXXX, be available to answer a few simple interview questions via email? If so, my deadline is two days from now: Thursday, March 26th. Let me know and I can shoot the questions your way.”
Once they respond saying they can participate (assuming they do), I’ll reply with something like this:
“Great! Thanks for setting this up. Here are the questions (see below). I’m looking for answers that are between 2-4 sentences in length (or a bit longer or shorter if necessary). Can you please include a 1-sentence bio along with a high-res pic?”
As for the questions themselves, I usually format them in a numbered list and keep them as short and too-the-point as possible. Also, don’t ask yes or no questions or you’ll get a yes or no response. I try to limit the amount of questions I ask to five or less so as to keep the interview from feeling like a drag on someone’s time, but you can experiment.

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